New Madonna Fauxtographs Revealed: Doctored Photos Fool Public But Reality Bites

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Celebrities may age but their photos often don't...that is unless someone leaks the before Photoshop images.

Celebrity culture and sales require ageless beauty…even if it has long faded. My Pinoy Humor Blog asks in their headline, “Madonna Photoshopped?” They apparently found some “before and after” images of a recent photo shoot. Are these images out-takes from her controversial 2009 ad campaign for Louis Vuitton?

Tight, smooth skin on a 50 year old woman?–Not possible even with the magic of plastic surgery, exercise and wealth as these detail shots sadly prove.

Such cases keep StinkyJournalism readers reminded that celebrity images, as seen in magazines and advertising, are not anything close to true representations of reality. Extreme Photoshop alterations rule visual culture.

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New Madonna Fauxtographs Revealed: Doctored Photos Fool Public But Reality Bites

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